Welcome All

The Commons is what we share. We breathe each other’s air. Water flows in common: within us, through us, and around us. We are born from each other’s bodies, and return to common earth. Our loves, our distress, and our kind acts – everything we hear and see and touch – circulate among us, stirring our hearts, inspiring our thoughts, and propelling our actions. Every minute, every day, we share.

What is the Commons?

Values and next steps

The Commons, our Commons.

The Commons, Inc. was founded to help make what we share better. We do this by hosting channels through which we can help each other.

The Commons, Inc. is open to all who wish to work with others in a spirit of goodwill and service to build happy, resilient communities. 

We will establish and maintain common resources that help individuals and groups share ideas, mentor each other, and work and play together.

We will collect and provide resources in shared spaces, and schedule events for research, creation and collaboration – establishing meeting and conference spaces, learning and reference libraries, lounges and community centers, venues for the arts and entertainment, video and other studios, and crafts workshops.

We wish to support interests as wide-ranging as the individuals, groups and organizations that constitute our community – from cooking to construction crafts, agriculture to elder care, décor to dance.

People can join with those who share their interests, and find common ground among those with differing interests.

We begin in Iowa, USA. We seek both to promote the universal appeal of the unique attributes of our community, and to offer those widely.

We aspire to serve communities both locally and globally, building an online platform to connect among like-minded people throughout our world.

We envision a global community where harmony predominates among vibrant differences, and an integrated network of knowledge and support systems, accessible to all, helps everyone fulfill their aspirations.

Our Values:

  • Consensus – recognizing and accepting differences • learning
  • Generosity, service and respect • sharing expertise and resources to nurture our fellow beings • practicality of action
  • Inner development feeding outer development • harmony with surrounding communities and ecosystems • appreciation and celebration
  • Well Being • personal and social

Practical Progress and Next Steps

  • The Commons, Inc. is applying for 501(c)(3) IRS non-profit status. 
  • We have received donations of over 15,000 carefully selected volumes for our local reference library.
  • We’ve identified a potential site to serve as both our local library and a community center.
  • We are introducing The Commons to various community leaders through ongoing meetings.
  • We are introducing ourselves to communities and community organizations.
  • Watch for inaugural events.

The Commons exists to help people visualize and actualize a common vision.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

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